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Author Guidelines

WJETT is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes annually. The journal is happy to receive submissions at any time, but it may be that work is recommended for publication in a future issue regardless of meeting the official deadline for the current issue.

The journal is predominantly published online and is targeted at a broad author- and readership of educators, including practising teachers. Authors are encouraged to consider the diversity of the readership when developing their work for WJETT and ensure that it is written in a manner that is accessible to a non-academic audience. This may require careful consideration of terminology and other prior knowledge needed to interpret the content. Articles will not normally exceed 8,000 words in length and prospective authors should contact the Editors beforehand if they wish to submit a longer article:

Papers will be published on the understanding that the article is an original piece of work. WJETT accepts submissions from authors worldwide, although, due to funding conditions, priority is given to work that demonstrates local and regional impact on teaching, as well as student-led initiatives.

All material, including endnotes, titles, tables, and quotations, must be prepared according to the style guide and appropriate permissions must have been obtained to reproduce any copyrighted images or content.  

Content Guide

The Journal typically includes:

Foreword – by a guest writer invited by the Editorial Board.

Editorial – a discussion on a theme and a summary of the journal content written by the editors.

Research Articles – across all educational fields, including empirical research, theoretical research and case studies (5,000 – 8,000 words).

Literature Reviews – related to education (3,000 – 5,000 words).

Book Reviews – related to education (1,000 – 3,000 words).

Conversations – interviews with high-profile academics, policy makers, government, think tanks etc., discussing the current landscape of education (3,000 – 5,000 words).

Critical Reflections –  on an aspect of research or professional practice or an account that discusses the key ideas and debates from a recent conference, symposium, workshop, event or similar (1,000 – 3,000 words). 

Authors are encouraged to be selective in their References and provide a Glossary of Terms where necessary. As an online journal, WJETT has the capacity to include tables, diagrams and links to films, photographs and other websites where appropriate. Authors are positively encouraged to consider this when tailoring their work to a broader audience. WJETT accepts submissions from authors worldwide. First-time authors are welcome and may wish to contact the editorial board in advance for additional advice and guidance: Additionally, there is a variety of support available online and accross the University of Warwick, to assist prospective authors with academic writing.  

Style Guide

All articles will be published electronically in WJETT and it is therefore vital that the format of the final submission conforms to the following guidelines.

Presentation of manuscripts

  • Manuscripts should be written in English and be of appropriate length for the article type (see “Content Guide”, above).
  • A separate cover page should be included, containing the title of the article, the name of the author(s) and their postal and email addresses along with relevant phone numbers. To preserve anonymity in the peer-review process, the main manuscript should not contain any of the authors’ names.
  • An abstract of up to 200 words should be submitted with all articles. This provides readers with an overview of the paper. As abstracts form part of the data used by information retrieval systems (e.g. Google Scholar) to identify relevant publications, it is important that the abstract clearly states the purpose of the paper and summarises the content.
  • Authors should supply around six keywords for indexing and abstracting purposes.
  • Manuscripts must contain the following information in the correct order: title page; abstract; keywords; main text; acknowledgements; lists of illustrations, figures and maps (as appropriate); list of tables (as appropriate); appendices (as appropriate); endnotes; references.


  • Articles should be submitted in MS Word format.
  • Final manuscripts should be 1.5 lines spaced, with page margins of at least 2.5cm all round, and should be written in Arial font, size 11 point (except where noted otherwise, i.e. the title).
  • The title should be centred on the page and in size 14 point, bold face, using title case (in which principal words are capitalised, but articles, conjunctions and prepositions are not).
  • Headings should appear on separate lines. Do not use numbering. Up to three levels of headings may be used in the text if necessary.
  • All headings should be left aligned.
    • FIRST-LEVEL HEADINGS: 11 pt Arial, roman, bold, upper case. 
    • Second-Level Headings: 11 pt Arial, bold, title case.
    • Third-level headings: 11 pt Arial, roman, italics, sentence case.
    • Third-level headings should also be used for descriptions of tables, figures and images. 
  • All text should be left aligned (not justified) except when stated otherwise. Please refrain from excessive formatting or use of alternative software design/layout features. This will be done in the Layout stage. Authors may add notes for typesetting and copy-editing team if they have a preference for appearance.
  • Endnotes (if needed) should be used in preference to footnotes.
  • Quotations of over forty words (or more than two lines) should be extracted into a separate paragraph and indented from both left and right margins. No quotation marks should be used in this case.
  • New paragraphs should be indicated by a line break rather than being indented.
  • Endnotes should labelled 1, 2, 3 etc., not i, ii, iii etc. They should be placed immediately after the main article, before the list of references.
  • Photographs, diagrams and other audio-visual aids are encouraged. Please include these in the text where and as they should appear. Please provide images in gif or jpeg formats.
  • A list of references should be provided at the end of the paper. References should relate only to material cited within the manuscript and should be presented in the Harvard style.

 Content: Text

  • A single space (not a double) should be used after a full stop, comma, colon or semi-colon.
  • Spelling should conform to the new edition of the Concise Oxford English Dictionary.
  • Use -ise, in preference to -ize as a verbal ending (e.g. realise, specialise, recognise, etc).
  • Use full stops after abbreviations (p.m., e.g., i.e., etc.) and after contractions where the end of the word is cut (p., ed., ch.); full stops are not required where the contraction ends in the same letter as the original word (Dr, vols).
  • Use single quotation marks for quoted material within the text; double quotation marks should only be used for quotes within quotes. Quotations of over forty words (or more than two lines) should be extracted and indented and no quotation marks used.
  • In general, numbers less than 10 should be spelled out in words, but use numerals for measurements (e.g. 6 km) and ages (e.g. 9 years old). Insert a comma for tens of thousands (e.g. 20,000), but not for numbers up to 9999.
  • Set out dates as follows: 9 July 1990 (no comma), on 8 July, or on the 8th; 1990s (not spelt out, no apostrophe); nineteenth century (not 19 century) and insert a hyphen when used adjectivally (e.g. nineteenth-century art).
  • Submitted work should be referred to as an 'article' (i.e. do not call it a paper, an essay, a dissertation, etc.).

Content: Non-Textual Material

Where possible, tables, graphs, maps, urls and any other additions to the text should be formatted and contained in the correct place in the text. Any additions to the text that cannot be contained within it, such as video clips, should be supplied separately with a note in the text to indicate where the resource should be located.

Authors should insert material in as format-free a way as possible. For example: end a line of text, insert a line-space, insert a picture, type a caption underneath it (in 11pt Arial as with the rest of the text), insert a line space and carry on with the text. Do not anchor anything to a fixed point on a page, do not use a different font for captions and do not use text boxes. Do not wrap any text around images.

The editorial team are aware of the fact that authors will want to make their article look as nice as possible on the page. However, please remember that when the article is published, it will appear online, as well as in pdf format. It must be converted to HTML by the editorial team in order to upload, so the less formatting there is in the original work, the better. Do not worry if this means that there are gaps on pages in Word where an image has had to be carried over to the next page because it is too big. It will appear correctly in the final version.


Authors should ensure that they have the necessary permissions for reproducing photographs, maps, tables etc. before submitting them. A caption should be placed under each illustration saying what it depicts, followed by details of the source (e.g. 'Source: Alan Walker's collection of photographs'). A list of figures, illustrations and maps should be included at the end of the article together with source information, e.g. 'Photo reproduced by kind permission of Alan Walker'. Some copyright-holding institutions have a particular form of wording which must be used as part of the permission deal, in which case authors must abide by this. If a photograph belongs to the author(s) then include information which says 'from the author's own collection' or similar.

Please note that authors of accepted manuscripts may be required to submit high-resolution copies of all figures during production, as not all digital art files are usable. If any revision or editorial tracking tools were used in during manuscript preparation,please be sure the final version of the manuscript does not contain tracked changes.

If more than two files are being submitted (e.g. cover page, manuscript and separate figures) the kindly follow the guidelines for uploading individual images / files.

Citations and Referencing

  • The Harvard Referencing system should be used in all articles.
  • References in the text should include surname and date (Marsh, 1997). Et al. (in italics) should be used where there are more than two authors (Marsh et al., 1997).
  • Direct quotes or ideas that relate to a certain range of pages in a publication should also be referenced by page numbers after the date (Marsh, 1997, 34) or (Marsh, 1997, 34-36). Note that there is a space after the second comma, but not between the numbers and hyphen.
  • Do not change the spelling or punctuation in a quotation. The abbreviation ‘sic.’ May be used to signify that the quotation has been transcribed exactly as found in the source text, complete with any erroneous or archaic spelling, surprising assertion, faulty reasoning, or other matter that might otherwise be taken as an error of transcription.
  • Do not use leader dots at the beginning or end of a quotation unless the sense absolutely demands it. For ellipsis within a quotation use three leader dots for a mid-sentence break, four if the break is followed by a new sentence.
  • If the same author has two or more references dating from the same year, they can be differentiated by letters (Marsh, 1997a) or (Marsh, 1997b).
  • The full reference list should be listed alphabetically by author surname at the end of the paper.
  • All authors should be identified by surname and then initial(s) or first name (choose to use either first names or just initials, and be consistent in this throughout the bibliography).
  • Et al. should not be used in full references; all authors’ names should be listed. 

Revised and Final Version of Manuscript

When submitting a revised manuscript, please include responses to the reviewers' comments as part of a cover letter file. When submitting a revised manuscript with figures, include all figures, even if they have not changed since the previous version.

Copyright and Permissions

The author has responsibility for checking whether material submitted is subject to copyright or ownership rights, e.g. figures, tables, photographs, illustrations, trade literature and data. The author will need to obtain permission to reproduce any such items, and include these permissions with their final submission. Please add any necessary acknowledgments to the typescript, preferably in the form of an Acknowledgments section at the end of the paper. Credit the source and copyright of photographs, figures, illustrations etc. in the accompanying captions. 

See also the Copyright Notice below.

Open Access Policy

WJETT provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is 1.5-spaced; uses a 11-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • Illustrations, figures and tables adhere to the stylistic and resolution quality requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

    Submissions that do not conform to these guidelines will be returned to authors before being sent for peer review. This may delay the progress of the submission.

  • I am the author and owner of the copyright in the article and/or I have the authority of the authors and owners of the copyright in the article to make this agreement. I have exercised reasonable care to ensure that the article is original, and does not to the best of my knowledge break any UK law or other Intellectual Property Right, or contain any confidential material. If my article does include any substantial subsidiary material owned by third-party copyright holders, I have sought and obtained permission to include it in the article for publication under the conditions outlined in the journal's Copyright Notice.


Empirical Research, Theoretical Research or Case Study: 5,000 - 8,000 words.

Literature Reviews

Focussed review of current literature in a relevant field: 3,000 - 5,000 words.

Book Reviews

Review of a new release within the field of education: 1,000 - 3,000 words.


Interview with academic, policy maker, government, think tank or similar: 3,000 - 5,000 words.

Critical Reflections

Critical personal reflections on one of the following: 1,000 - 3,000 words.

  • A conference, symposium or workshop
  • Shorter, focused discussion of emerging research
  • Highlights of important research within a relevant field and its significance
  • Personal, professional practice

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.