Curating the exhibition ‘Beyond Development: Local Visions of Global Poverty’


Beyond Development: Local Visions of Global Poverty was an art exhibition that took place in May 2019 at the Pearce Institute of Glasgow. The exhibition was organised within the framework of the Poverty Research Network (PRN), a research project created by Dr. Julia McClure and currently based at the University of Glasgow. Awarded funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) in 2016, the Poverty Research Network provides a forum for interdisciplinary and global discussions on different approaches to poverty research and connections to current issues. This includes investigating the cultural and historical contexts of attitudes towards poverty, wealth, and charity around the world, and contemporary global debates on inequality and humanitarian strategies. The exhibition Beyond Development: Local Visions of Global Poverty adds a further angle of investigation to the project as it engages with the political issues connected to aesthetics and the representation of poverty within the creative arts.


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