Why Feminist Dissent?


  • Rashmi Varma Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies, University of Warwick
  • Sukhwant Dhaliwal
  • Chitra Nagarajan
  • Rashmi Varma
  • Sukhwant Dhaliwal
  • Chitra Nagarajan




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Author Biographies

Rashmi Varma, Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies, University of Warwick

Rashmi Varma teaches English and Comparative Literary Studies at the University of Warwick in the UK. She is the author of The Postcolonial City and its Subjects (2011) and of the forthcoming Modern Tribal: Representing Indigeneity in Postcolonial India. She has published numerous essays on feminist theory, activism and literature. She lives in London and has been a member of Awaaz-South Asia Watch and Women Against Fundamentalism.

Sukhwant Dhaliwal

Sukhwant Dhaliwal started out in the women's voluntary sector and then, after ten years, moved over to academia. She is currently a Research Fellow at the University of Bedfordshire and she has continued to work closely with feminist partners on research projects encompassing the six equality strands. With Nira Yuval-Davis, she is co-editor of Women Against Fundamentalism: Stories of Dissent and Solidarity, published by Lawrence and Wishart in 2014.

Chitra Nagarajan

Chitra Nagarajan is an activist and writer who has worked to promote and protect human rights, particularly those of women, in China, the United Kingdom, the United States and countries in West Africa, with a particular focus on building peace. She currently lives and works in Abuja. She blogs here and tweets here.
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