Social Justice and Civilisational Crisis: Clues for Rethinking Poverty Eradication Based on Sustainability and Interculturality

How to Cite

Lang, M. (2022). Social Justice and Civilisational Crisis: Clues for Rethinking Poverty Eradication Based on Sustainability and Interculturality. Alternautas, 6(2).


Here we translate a chapter from Unholy Development. In this piece, Miriam Lang critiques various frameworks of the progressive Left, particularly as they were embodied in Ecuador. According to Lang, this was predicated on a central role for the state, which spread Western/imperial ways of life into yet more spaces it had not penetrated. She calls for an intercultural way of examining social justice and redistribution—placing emphasis on the ways of life and subjectivities of those below, with an emphasis on plurality.


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